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Cape Woolamai Surf Beach - credit: Richard Lin


We Meet Every Monday at 6:00 pm at the Phillip Island RSL.



Phillip Island and San Remo Stories

Rotary Rehabiliation Courtyard at Cowes Hospital

Jul 2023

The Rotary Club of Phillip Island and San Remo is supporting the creation of a Rehabilitation Courtyard at Phillip Island Hospital, which will be named the Rotary Rehabilitation Courtyard.

This represents a significant investment by our club of $100,000 over 5 years in support of Bass Coast Health, Cowes.

The garden will have numerous features, including a walking path of differing materials and textures to assist in the patient's physical mobility. It will also have shaded seating areas, and other elements all designed to promote physical activity and aid in patient rehabilitation.

Patients can use the garden to relax, de-stress, and work on their physical rehabilitation in a safe and supportive environment.

The garden is also a great place for patients to socialise and connect with others. The Rotary Club of Phillip Island and San Remo is delighted to be sponsoring this valuable new asset to our community.

The soon-to-be Rotary Rehibiation Courtyard will be established in the are covered in the above photo.