
San Remo Marina - credit: Richard Lin

Phillip Island and San Remo Stories

Another two successful clean water installations in Timor Leste

Aug 2023

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of another of our Club's projects. This journey was remarkable, allowing us to connect with kindred spirits who value the preciousness of clean water, a gift generously bestowed by our Club. Despite the expected challenges inherent in community development efforts, we persevered, resolving issues and achieving sparkling, pristine water.

Our achievement comes from the Gem SkyHydrant, a remarkable device capable of delivering 5,000 litres of clean water daily. Installed within the Venilale Girls' Orphanage kitchen, it promises to transform lives. The Dom Bosco Sisters, local staff, and 116 girls aged 5 to 15 can now savour health without worrying about contaminated water. This Hydrant will be a source of safe drinking and cooking water, significantly alleviating their daily lives.

A heartwarming photo captures the girls, dressed in their finest, expressing gratitude. Their endearing concert touched our souls deeply.

Two of our club members, John and Stevie O'Reilly undertook a Clean Water project for the remote mountain town of Quelicai. The local school will share this life-giving resource with the community, ensuring a steady supply of 10,000 litres daily. This act of love has brought immense satisfaction.

Once again the Rotary Club of Phillip Island are delighted to provide valuable assistance and support to these communities.